Monday, June 22, 2015

Tovu Tovu

Going to Fiji is great, my only wish is that I could have done it with my appendix. Nevertheless I learned quite a lot on day one. I learned that being poor means no hot water and pooping with bugs crawling over your feet. Besides being under the constant threat of dengue fever, I had a great time secretly judging Brett and making fun of Ashlie (Ms. Simon). The first day was pretty calm once I landed in Taveuni and spent the rest of the day just checking out my shack thing and mingling with others. Commence day two. First we went to a rugby tournament with fans so passionate their insanity reminded me of Mad Max. Kids were body slamming each other, old people were running out onto the field swinging around their handkerchiefs, and 14 white people were taking creeper shots of little kids. Just joking, that was us. After the rugby game we WERE going to go to the waterfalls but the rain disagreed. So we didn’t go. Instead we went to a resort for dinner were we drank some muddy water called kava. It’s supposed to make you more relaxed and calm but besides making my mouth feel tingly it didn't do much. But the dessert was pretty good. 

Kids body slamming each other.

Passionate Fans

Day three rolls on by and we start it off by going to…church? No, but seriously, it was actually pretty cool. I mean I couldn’t really understand the preacher under his thick Fijian accent but the parts that I did get were fairly interesting. After the church sermon we make our way to waterfall #1. It was a pretty cool waterfall and had the perfect lighting to try out my slow shutter speeds. After that we headed over to waterfall #2. The trip to the second waterfall was about to be cancelled because apparently in Fiji rain spontaneously begins to showers down with unnecessary force. But at this point no one cared so we still went on the hike, except for Ashlie. The hike turned out to be grossly longer than I anticipated. Like A LOT longer. We hit the waterfall which turned out to be pretty cool and eventually came back to our shacks in Tovu Tovu were we would spend our last night before going to the village.  

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