What was a hot shower again? No, seriously tell me. I forgot. Tovu Tovu felt like a 5-star resort after the village so Mango Bay felt like heaven. We had our own beds, a room with actual flooring, and even our own personal mosquito nets. Day 1 was pretty calm and relaxed. We just kind of chilled, worked on our projects, and explored the resort. That was about it. The food was pretty good too, I guess. All-in-all it was definitely a much needed rest. On Day 2 we went to a village via boat. The captains set up these fishing rods on either side of the boat while it was moving and sure enough one of the lines started spinning. I ended up reeling in the fish which turned out to be a tuna. At the village we went to a school were we were greeted by a Fijian choir and continued on to explore the village. I met this family that was weaving mats and I introduced myself and they allowed me to come in and take pictures. They also taught me how to weave mats also. Then from the village we went to a small island were we had lunch, did paddle boarding, and played volleyball. We left right as the sun started going down and finished the day off back at Mango Bay where we just relaxed.
Weaving mats
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