Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Smugglers Cove

After a two hour long bus trip and some trouble getting into our rooms we finally settle down in Smugglers Cove. We chilled for a little bit and then Brett and Lisa took us to a local Fijian Chinese restaurant which had some pretty good Chinese food. We came back to Smugglers after, had a nightly meeting, and went to bed. The next day was a pretty big day. First we drive all the way to a village in order to hike to a waterfall. The hike was great but the waterfall at the end wasn't really a waterfall, it was more like a stream. But then we hike back to the bus that we got to the village with and had a great chicken/fish lunch. We went to the mud baths next were we thoroughly enjoyed flinging mud at one another before we dipped into the relaxing hot springs. After that we headed back to Smugglers were we had an all-you-can-eat buffet along with a Fijian goodbye ceremony supplied by the hotel's staff. We ended of the day by presenting our final projects and relaxing on the beach.


Relaxing at the beach

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